Briefing from Prime Minister of Libya Abdul Hamid Dabaiba
March 24, 2021
The American Chamber of Commerce in Libya (AmCham Libya) hosted an exclusive briefing from Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dabaiba. The online event which began with an introduction by U.S. Ambassador to Libya Richard Norland, brought together Libyan government leadership, major U.S. companies active in Libya and the U.S. State Department.
Briefing Participants included:
- Government of National Unity of Libya: Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dabaiba
- U.S. Embassy to Libya: Ambassador Richard B. Norland
- Government of National Unity of Libya: Mohammed Ali Abdallah, Libyan Government Special Envoy to U.S.
Panelist participants included representatives from: Abbott, Bechtel, General Electric, MSD, Pepsi, and Visa.
During the Briefing attendees
• Heard GNU plans and priorities for the commercial sector in Libya
• Heard from key AmCham Members regarding their priorities for Libya
• Posed questions directly to representatives of the GNU
The Briefing also included a Q&A session with questions from attendees.
The picture (from left to right) shows:
AmCham Libya Deputy Director, Ahmed Al-Ghazali, PM Dabaiba, and AmCham Libya Director Debbie Hirst.